Vote Coin Liquidity Launch
Liquidity launch on BSC for a social voting rewards protocol; the team has raised 533 $BNB in the fair launch presale thus far (9 hours remaining).
❌ No docs / whitepaper.
$Vote is a community focused meme project. Votecoin has the mission of giving the community a choice between Binance and SEC. We created this project for the community to participate in voting and get a reward from 5% of the trading fees that will be added as a reward for the right choice party. This project will have great support from Cz and the world crypto community because we also vote for the winning crypto. Let’s get this project to $1B Mcap to show the world the power of the crypto community.
- Presale details
- Presale held on Pinksale
- Duration: 3 day(s)
- This was a fair launch presale; no hard cap
- Soft cap: 50 BNB
- Minimum contribution: no minimum BNB per wallet
- Maximum contribution: 10 BNB per wallet
- Presale and listing prices will be determined at the end of the presale
- Initial market cap will be determined at the end of the presale
- Listing on: PancakeSwap
- 51% of the presale funds will be added to liquidity
- Liquidity lock: 365 days
- Tokenomics
- VOTE is the native token
- Total supply: 100,000,000,000,000,000 VOTE
- 61,000,000,000,000,000 – presale
- 29,554,500,000,000,000 – liquidity
- Remainder (~9.5%) to CEX listings, locked until June 13, 2023 (at the same time as the liquidity launch)
- 10% tax on buys and sells
- 5% to the vote rewards pool
- 3% to marketing
- 2% reflected to holders
- Hold $VOTE to vote in daily polls, winners receive the vote pool rewards
Links & Resources
Contract Scanner Powered by De.Fi
Scanner Score: 87/100
- 🟠 Recently deployed contract – The smart contract was deployed less than 14 days ago. Please be careful as it could be a new contract or a fake one.
- 🟢 Transfer Fee – A fee is charged upon transfering this token (up to 100%).
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