The Rug Game Liquidity Launch
Token launch on Ethereum, for a game, from CultDAO.
- Launch Details
- Token will be listed on Uniswap
- Token pair: TRG/WETH
- Listing price (estimate): $0.00000083
- Presale price: depends on the price bought during the auction
- Presale held on Fjord Foundry, using an auction/liquidity bootstrapping mechanism, where the price increases or decreases based on the buying demand
- Vesting: 100% at launch
- Initial liquidity: unknown
- Initial total market cap (estimate): $5,500,000
- Taxes: 0%
- Mechanics & Features
- The game consists of 10 game/community tokens – $T $H $E $R $U $G $G* $A $M $E* (all tokens launched at once on January 6, 2023)
- The game will begin 30 days after the tokens launched
- Each token has a 4% tax, distributed as;
- 1% buy & burn $CULT ($CULT is the native token of CultDAO)
- 1% buy & burn $TRG
- 1% game token sent to burn wallet
- 1% collected by a contract & held in ETH
- Every 30-60 days from the tokens launch (or the previous rug), the token which has burnt the least amount of the $CULT and TRG tokens, is eliminated and the liquidity is rugged automatically
- Any ETH left from the LP at the time of the rug will auto buyback $TRG and send it to the $TRG DAO & stakers
- At the time the token with the least burns rugs, the 1% ETH collected of every other community token is sent as ETH rewards to the winning community tokens holders
- Any wallet can stake & any wallet that holds $TRG or $CULT can offer a bribe to the DAO
- If a wallet sacrifices their TRG or CULT, they can allocate that amount of “points” to a game token of their choice
- 50% of the bribe is paid to $TRG or $CULT stakers dependent on token offered whilst 50% is burned
- $TRG is the governance token
- Tokenomics
- Token symbol: TRG
- Total supply: 6,666,666,666,666
- 85% — Uniswap liquidity
- 10% — Airdrop (letter owners who hold dCULT & uRVLT)
- 2.5% — Community guardians
- 2.5 — Dev
- ❌ No information available on the token vesting
- 6% buy and sell tax