SpaceDogeID Liquidity Launch
Launch of lottery + Space ID ($ID) reflection token on BSC.
- Launch Details
- Token will be listed on PancakeSwap
- Token pair: SpaceD/BNB
- Listing rate: 1,070,000 SpaceD/BNB (~$0.0003)
- Presale rate: 1,150,000 SpaceD/BNB (~$0.00027)
- 120 BNB hardcap filled in presale on PinkSale
- Vesting: 100% at launch
- Initial circulating market cap (estimate): $62,000
- Initial total liquidity (estimate): $47,000
- 55% of presale funds (~66 BNB)
- 99 days lock on PinkSale
- Taxes: 6% buy | 9% sell
- Mechanics & Features
- 4% $ID reflection to holders
- Lottery dApp (testnet): purchase tickets to enter the lottery and everyday, a wallet is randomly chosen to receive 90% of the total pool; 5% added to liquidity, 5% burn
- Tokenomics
- Token symbol: SpaceD
- Total supply: 420,000,000
- 32.85% — Presale (no vesting)
- 16.87% — Liquidity (3 months lock)
- 50% — Burnt
- 0.657% — Locked on contract
- 6% buy and 9% sell tax
- 4% — $ID reflections
- 1% — Lottery