SolWolf Game Launch
Wolf game fork on Solana; 10,000 SolSheep and 1,000 SolWolves.
Game launch is February 19, time is TBA.
- GEN 0 sold out (10,000 NFTs)
- The top holders of Gen 0 SolSheep will be whitelisted to mint 950 SolWolf of Gen 0 (50 SolWolf will be reserved for treasury)
- GEN 1-3 (9000 SolSheep and 1000 SolWolf in each generation) can only be minted with SHEEP token)
- Gen 1 will be minted for 20,000 SHEEP
- Gen 2 will be minted for 40,000 SHEEP
- Gen 3 will be minted for 80,000 SHEEP
- 10% chance to receive a SolWolf
- Rarity: Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze
- Higher rarity earns more SHEEP
- 90% chance to receive a SolSheep
- SolSheep can be staked for SHEEP
- Staked SolSheep earn 10,000 SHEEP / day (2 day lock period when you first stake your SolSheep)
- When you claim your staking rewards, 20% of accumulated staking rewards will go to Solwolf wolf
- SolSheep that are unstaked, risk getting their SHEEP earnings stolen by SolWolves
- When minting a new GEN 1 NFT, SolWolves will attempt to steal them. If successful, a random SolWolf player will receive the GEN-1 mint
- Max supply 5,000,000,000 SHEEP
- 2,400,000,000 SHEEP to staking rewards
- 600,000,000 SHEEP to dev wallet
- 2,000,000,000 SHEEP to community rewards
- Roadmap includes a metaverse – partnered with Moonverse
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