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Oct 28 2022

TimePacific Time

1:30 pm

Your Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Oct 28 2022
  • Time: 4:30 pm



SolApp DAO Mint

1111 SolApp DAO NFT on Aptos.

  • No website, check their socials for information
  • Public mint price: 4.44 APT
  • Link to mint will be provided in the Discord announcement channel by user @nicolass
  • Maximum NFTs per wallet: unlimited
  • ❌ Maximum public mint per transaction: not specified
  • There will be OG and WL mint also (requirements to OG or WL are about activity in Discord, referring friends, and tweet about the project):
    • OG: price 2.22 APT, max 3 tokens; 7-8pm UTC
    • WL: price 3.33 APT, max 2 tokens; 8-8:30pm UTC
  • NFT holders will have access to the SolApp application. This app for Solana & Aptos ecosystem has portfolio features, it allows to participate to the DAO, and provide CAD utilities
  • The app already exists on Google Play Store. iOS App release will be later according to the team
  • Holders of NFT on the APT chain will get free NFT on the SOL chain
  • A DAO will decide what will enter the app and what will be left out

