Rads Farm Launch
September 9 update – the site is gone now and there have been no updates in the (muted) Telegram since September 4, I am considering this abandoned.
.September 5 update – launch start block was done incorrectly, some pools minted while others didn’t. Team is going to re-deploy and claims to have refunded deposit fees for those who staked.
New farm launch.
- No max supply
- 0.1 RADS / block
- 5% of emissions to dev
- No transfer tax
- No harvest lock
- 3% or 4% deposit fee for non-natives, 0% for natives
- Type of Audit, Review or KYC: RugDoc - Some Risk
- Block Countdown: https://bscscan.com/block/countdown/10623267
- Chart: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x7fbba8fcdbec1d8aa7a10a86e8509a7645949170
- Contract: https://bscscan.com/address/0x60D2cfFe5bcbBc40708A685e89cf4b0eD8e99B4d
- Audit / Review: https://rugdoc.io/project/rads-swap/