PolyAlpha Farm Launch
New farm launch from PolygonFarm. Token will be stealth launched on September 1st or 2nd.
- Max supply 9300 ALPHA
- 0.011 ALPHA / block (approximately 20 days of emissions)
- 10% of emissions to dev
- 3.7% deposit fee for non-natives, 3.5% for partner pools and 0% for natives and SPADE
- No harvest lockup
- No transfer tax
- Type of Audit, Review or KYC: Certik, Paladin, RugDoc - Low Risk, RugDoc - KYC
- Block Countdown: https://polygonscan.com/block/countdown/18857320
- Chart: https://polygon.poocoin.app/tokens/0x0b048d6e01a6b9002c291060bf2179938fd8264c
- Contract: https://polygonscan.com/address/0x0B14C435DC29f2e3F53E203a18077F4A41914870#readContract
- Audit / Review: https://paladinsec.co/projects/polyalpha/