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Home All Events - Ape O'Clock Polaris Finance Genesis Pools Launch


Feb 17 2022

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6:00 am

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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Feb 17 2022
  • Time: 9:00 am


ActiveApeOClock KYC

Polaris Finance Genesis Pools Launch

Tomb fork on Aurora.

  • Team member rippa | polarisfinance.io#5897 has successfully KYC’d with Ape O’Clock
  • Genesis pools last 24 hours
  • POLAR is the algo-stable, pegged to NEAR
  • SPOLAR is the shares token, with a total supply of 50,001
    • 4500 to the DAO, linearly vested over 300 days
    • 4500 to the team, linearly vested over 300 days
    • 41,000 for farming rewards
    • 1 for initial liquidity
  • PBOND is the bonding token
  • Genesis pools will have pools for:
    • NEAR – 40% of rewards
    • LUNA – 15% of rewards
    • UST – 15% of rewards
    • AURORA – 15% of rewards
    • USDC – 15% of rewards

Ape O’Clock KYC uses a rigorous, AML and KYC regulatory compliant identity verification process to ensure the accuracy of the identification information submitted to us.

In the event of a rugpull or “hack,” Ape O’Clock will submit the KYC’d individual’s information to law enforcement in the city / country of the KYC’d party. Ape O’Clock will NEVER reveal the KYC party’s identity to the public.

KYC is another signal to evaluate when doing your own research, but again, it does not guarantee project safety or a recovery of funds in the event of a rugpull. For more information on Ape O’Clock KYC, click here.