Perks Protocol Liquidity Launch
Liquidity launch on BSC for a rewards token and launchpad; the team raised 64 $BNB in the fair launch presale.
- Presale Details
- Presale was held on Gempad
- Duration: 48 hours
- Softcap: 20 BNB
- Presale rate: 303.349 PERKS / BNB
- Listing rate: 242.679 PERKS / BNB
- Listing on: PancakeSwap
- 60% of presale funds go to liquidity
- Liquidity lock: 1 year
- Tokenomics
- Total supply: 100,000 PERKS
- 19,594 for the presale
- 9405 for liquidity
- 70,000 locked
- 1000 unlocked
- No tax
- Rewards:
- 10% buy rewards
- Reward claim: every 24 hours
- HODL compounding: 100%
- HODL compounding interval: 7 days
- Project fund reward: 10%
- Project fund interval: 1 hour per user
- Mass compound reward: 10%
- Referral acceptance: 10 PERKS
- Total supply: 100,000 PERKS
Links & Resources
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