Pepe Wallet Liquidity Launch
Launch of meme token on BSC with a road-mapped crypto wallet.
- Launch Details
- Token will be listed on PancakeSwap
- Token pair: PEPEWALL/BNB
- Listing rate: 1 BNB = 1,563,322.203 PEPEWALL (~$0.0002)
- Presale rate: 1 BNB = 1,563,322.203 PEPEWALL (~$0.0002)
- 345.4 BNB raised in presale on PinkSale (50 BNB softcap)
- Vesting: 100% at launch
- Initial circulating market cap: $171,000
- Initial total liquidity: $129,000
- 60% of presale funds +317,520,000 PEPEWALL
- Taxes: 0% buy | 6% sell
- Tokenomics
- Token symbol: PEPEWALL
- Total supply: 1,000,000,000
- 6% tax on sells (marketing)
Links & Resources
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