Pepe Doge CEO Liquidity Launch
Token launch for a reflection memecoin on BSC.
- Launch details
- Token will launch on Pancakeswap
- Token pair: PEPEDC/WBNB
- Presale rate: 1 BNB = 778,948,348,402 PEPEDC
- Presale was held on Pinksale and lasted for 2 days (soft cap: 40 BNB)
- 408.8 BNB was raised from presale
- 60% of the presale funds will be added to liquidity
- ❌ No information on how the remaining presale funds are allocated
- No vesting – 100% of presale tokens unlocked at launch
- Tokenomics
- 10% buy tax
- 2% – Marketing
- 2% – USDT reflection to PEPEDC holders
- 2% – USDT reflection to NFT holders
- 2% – Token burn
- 2% – Development
- 10% sell tax
- 3% – Marketing
- 2% – USDT reflection to PEPEDC holders
- 2% – USDT reflection to NFT holders
- 2% – Development
- 1% – Token burn
- Pepe Doge CEO NFTs minting is live
- $20 each