Open Auction Liquidity Launch
Token launch for a peer-to-peer auction marketplace on BSC.
- Launch Details
- Token will launch on PancakeSwap
- Token pair: OPA/WBNB
- Listing/subscription price (estimate): $0.0814
- 107 BNB filled in fair launch presale held on PinkSale (10 BNB soft cap)
- No vesting for presale
- No private sale
- Initial circulating market cap (estimate): $49,000
- Initial liquidity (estimate): $34,000
- 60% of presale funds (~64.2 BNB) to liquidity
- 365 days lock on PinkSale
- Taxes: 0% buy | 2% sell
- Tokenomics
- Token symbol: $OPA
- Total supply: 1,000,000
- 35% — Presale
- 20.58% — Liquidity
- 10% — Platform allocation (20% on 11/14, then 10% weekly – lock info)
- 10% — Team (20% on 11/14, then 10% every 5 days – lock info)
- 10% — Marketing (10% on 11/14, then 20% weekly – lock info)
- 3.5% — Strategic partnerships (1 month lock – lock info)
- 6.44% — Burnt
- 3.77% — Unlocked
- 2% sell tax (sent to marketing wallet)