Nine2Five Launch
New ROI dApp on BSC.
Contract changed to this. Audit linked below is for the old contract.
- Stake USDT and earn daily rewards in USDT (subject to availability of funds in the contract balance for payment)
- Daily ROI: 0.5% – 2% (depends on the revenue generated from external investments)
- Users receive rewards only from 9am to 5pm UTC on work days (Monday – Friday)
- Users can choose to compound or “work harder” for ROI bonus
- compound gives a 0.5% daily ROI bonus, requires at least 2 days of rewards accumulation
- work harder gives a 0.3% daily ROI bonus, requires at least 4 days of rewards accumulation. 50% of rewards is compounded and 50% withdrawn
- Each claim/withdrawal will reset any ROI bonus back to base daily ROI
- Maximum ROI: 3x
- Minimum deposit: 30 USDT
- Maximum deposit: 100,000 USDT
- Initial USDT deposit cannot be unstaked
- Deposit fee: 10%
- Withdrawal fee: 0%
- 2 days compound cooldown
- 1 day rewards withdrawal cooldown
- 7 days rewards accumulation cutoff time
- Referral commission: 4% on deposits (can be compounded or withdrawn)
- 30% tax on referral rewards withdrawals (tax stays in contract)
Links & Resources
Contract Scanner Powered by De.Fi
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