Galaxy Panda NFT Launch
January 31 update – still no mint date.
December 17 update – launch now delayed to Q1 2022.
December 12 update – the presale is now on December 17. Public launch time not announced yet.
December 3 update – Launch delayed, presale is now December 11, no time / date announced yet for the public sale.
10,000 pandas.
- 1 SOL each
- 2000 NFT available for Early-Mint on 4 Dec, 3000 for Pre-Mint on 5 Dec, 4000 for Public sale on 6 Dec
- Phantom wallet recommended
- Panda holders will be able to play the lottery game and win
- 100+ unique attributes and 2M+ combinations
- After first batch is sold, it will be listed on Solanart
- Rarity : Commom 60%, Epic 15%, Legendary 13%, Rare 7%, Super Rare 5%