Fantom CougarSwap Liquidity Launch
New blockchain for the CougarSwap ecosystem.
- Presale price: $0.07 (presale sold out)
- Listing price: $0.15
- Max supply 4,000,000 CGS
- Presale allocation: 1,500,000 CGS
- Initial liquidity: 450,000 CGS
- Airdrop: 50,000 CGS
- 1 CGS / block
- 5% transfer tax, 1% to burn and 4% to auto-liquidity
- Delayed Claim Mechanism: Every 10 minutes after presale claim is available, you will be able to claim 1% of your remaining allocation
- Type of Audit, Review or KYC: RugDoc - Some Risk
- Chart:
- Contract:
- Audit / Review: