Falcon: Space DEX Liquidity Launch
Liquidity launch for a road-mapped DEX on BSC.
- Presale Details
- Presale held on PinkSale met the 600 BNB hardcap
- Presale rate: 1,568,000 FLN/BNB (~$0.000198)
- Vesting: 100% at TGE
- Listing rate: 1,411,200 FLN/BNB (~$0.00022)
- Minimum buy: 0.0001 BNB
- Maximum buy: 3 BNB
- Initial circulating market cap: $299,000
- Initial liquidity: 51% of presale funds (1825 days lock on PinkSale)
- Taxes: 0% buy | 10% sell (sell tax reduces to 7% after 3 months, then 5% after 9 months)
- Tokenomics
- Token symbol: FLN
- Total supply: 1,500,000,000
- 10% sell tax – 5% after 9 months (tax sent to treasury wallet)
- No wallet transfer tax