CZpegs Genesis Pools Launch
New Tomb fork from the Bomb Money team.
- ❌ No docs; there is some information in their Medium, here
- Genesis pools run for 24 hours
- CZEMP genesis pools will release 200,000 CZEMP
- CZBOMB genesis pools will release 40,000 CZBOMB
- CZBNB genesis pools will release 200 CZBNB
- 1% deposit fee on genesis pools
- This protocol has 3 algo-stables, each with their own genesis pools, treasury, boardroom and bonds:
- CZBOMB, which is pegged to BOMB
- CZBNB, which is pegged to BNB
- CZEMP, which is pegged to EMP
- CZSHARES is the shares token
- ❌ There is no information on the supply of CZSHARES and where that supply goes (any to the DAO, the treasury, the team, farms, etc.)
- 2% deposit fee and 2% withdrawal fee in the boardroom (4% total)