Crabada Factional Advantage Update
Update to the popular Avalanche game Crabada.
- The Factional Advantage update is expected to increase the usage and value of non-pure Crabada, and to balance the Crabada Class’ population
- This update will take place between 5-9am UTC on February 15
- Factions:
- Children of the Ore – Bulk and Surge Class
- Family of Faeries – Organic Class
- Order of the Lux – Prime and Gem Class
- Machine Corps – Craboid Class
- Crabs of the Trench – Sunken Class
- Crabs of the Abyss – Ruined Class
- Factional advantage can be activated regardless of a Crabada’s purity
- Faction of a team is decided by the majority Faction of all 3 Crabada on the team
- If 3 Crabada on a team are from differed Factions, no Factional representation will be applied
- A disadvantaged team will have a 7% decrease in Battle Points
- A team without Factional representation will take a 3% decrease in Battle Points when fighting against teams with Factional representation