Centaurus Stage 2 Farm Launch
Centaurus is beginning their traditional farm after having completed their seed pool round of farming.
- Earn CEN and NET
- CEN details:
- Max supply 185,912 CEN
- 11,000 were minted in Stage 1
- 6000 for initial liquidity
- Remainder distributed during the 30 days of farming beginning October 1
- 3% transfer tax, 2% to burn and 1% to dev
- No tax on interactions with the masterchef
- Emissions begin at 10 CEN / block reducing over time to a low 0.001 / block before emissions stop
- NET details:
- 1100 minted
- 100 for liquidity
- 1000 NET will be distributed by this masterchef, the first 800 during the initial 4 hours of farming and the remaining 200 will be added to the masterchef for distribution after 10 days of farming
- You will receive 5% of your CEN rewards in additional NET (harvest 100 CEN, get 5 NET)
- NET can only be earned during this farming period
- 5 NET can be exchanged for 1 AXE (next layer token)
- Earn CEN and AXE (next layer token) by staking NET
- 4% deposit fee for non-natives, 0% for natives
- Type of Audit, Review or KYC: RugDoc - Some Risk
- Block Countdown: https://bscscan.com/block/countdown/11401677
- Chart: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xe27bed37504156941f3dbff71e116450ef203cc3
- Contract: https://bscscan.com/address/0xC88Cc4Bd56755CbD8da654562D604252608218Db
- Audit / Review: https://rugdoc.io/project/centaurus-network/