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Jan 03 2023


4:00 pm

Your Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Jan 03 2023
  • Time: 11:00 am


ActivePreferred Auditor

BUSD Oracle Launch

New ROI dApp on BSC from the team that previously launched Vampire Kingdom.

  • Deposit BUSD and earn daily yield in BUSD (subject to availability of funds in the contract for payment)
  • Daily ROI: 1 – 5% (depends on price of BNB)
    • starts at 3% and increases by 0.1% every time the latest BNB price variation is negative and decreases by 0.1% when positive
    • BNB price is updated every minute (BNB price updates displayed on dapp)
  • Minimum deposit: 20 BUSD
  • Maximum deposit: 20,000 BUSD
  • Initial BUSD deposit cannot be withdrawn
  • 8% deposit fee
  • No rewards withdrawal fee
  • 24 hours claim cooldown
  • 7 days withdrawal cooldown
  • Withdrawals will be extended by 1 day if rewards are compounded within the withdrawal cooldown period
  • Infinite claim and withdrawals can be enabled by paying 150 BUSD
  • 2% bonus on claims awarded to the top depositor (“Oracle holder”)
  • 5% referral commission on referral deposits
