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Oct 23 2022

TimePacific Time

9:00 am

Your Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Oct 23 2022
  • Time: 12:00 pm



Aptos Wizards Mint

October 23 update – Discord announcements say mint starts at 4:30pm UTC, while the countdown on Blue Move shows it starting at 4pm UTC. We’ve set this launch for 4pm UTC, check with the team for any updates.

A collection of 5,000 wizards on Aptos.

  • Mint Details
    • Mint price: 3 APT
    • Supply: 5,000
    • Mint schedule and mint limits per wallet:
    • 0% creator’s royalties
    • Art reveal: unknown
  • NFT Utility
    • Access to gated Discord channels
    • Other future utilities include;
      • NFT staking for access to whitelists from other projects
      • whitelist raffle platform
      • whitelist to future Potions drop, which will be used to boost staking (No. Of Wizards in wallet or staking = No. Of NFTs you can mint)
      • merch drop
      • marketplace, and holders receive a share of marketplace fees
      • IRL events

